
Friday, April 21, 2017

Business No:10 = $57

The Accelerated 230K Business Plan!
This Is How You Can Earn 230K In 16 Short Weeks!

I have long said that our one-of-a-kind proprietary 1-2 UP Infinity Pay Planis one of if not "the  best member-to-member pay plan in the industry", and to prove it I have laid out a very exciting business plan below that could have you earning over $230,000 in 16 short weeks!

To earn $230,000 in 16 weeks you would expect to pay thousands of dollars to get started and be required to personally refer an army of people, but that's not the case with our 1-2 UP Infinity Pay Plan!

The most you will pay to get started  is just $57, and the chart below shows your income potential at Package Level #2 if you and your Team of Payliners made just one Package #2 sale a week! Even if it took you one year to make $230,000 I think you would still be very happy with that!

I would also like to point out that there are no time restrictions or referral quotas that you have to meet. The 16 Week Business Plan below is just an example of how fast your business can grow if everyone made just one Package #2 Sale a week! You can work at your own pace, but one thing is for sure you will want to make your 2 Qualifying Sales at Package #2 as fast as possible so that you can start your first Payline and begin your personal journey to 230K!

WeekSales Made By You and Your Team of PaylinersPaylinesEarnings
Week 1You Make Your First Personal Sale and Start a Payline1 PaylineYou Earn $35
Week 2You Make 1 Sale, and Your Payliner Passes Up 1 Qualifying Sale3 PaylinesYou Earn $70
Week 3You Make 1 Sale, and Your 3 Payliners Passes Up A Qualifying Sale6 PaylinesYou Earn $140
Week 4You Make 1 Sale, and Your 6 Payliners Pass Up 1 Qualifying Sale11 PaylinesYou Earn $245
Week 5You Make 1 Sale, and Your 11 Payliners Pass Up 1 Qualifying Sale19 PaylinesYou Earn $420
Week 6You Make 1 Sale, and Your 19 Payliners Pass Up 1 Qualifying Sale32 PaylinesYou Earn $700
Week 7You Make 1 Sale, and Your 32 Payliners Pass Up 1 Qualifying Sale53 PaylinesYou Earn $1,155
Week 8You Make 1 Sale, and Your 53 Payliners Pass Up 1 Qualifying Sale87 PaylinesYou Earn $1,890
Week 9You Make 1 Sale, and Your 87 Payliners Pass Up 1 Qualifying Sale143 PaylinesYou Earn $3,080
Week 10You Make 1 Sale, and Your 143 Payliners Pass Up 1 Qualifying Sale232 PaylinesYou Earn $5,040
Week 11You Make 1 Sale, and Your 232 Payliners Pass Up 1 Qualifying Sale377 PaylinesYou Earn $8,155
Week 12You Make 1 Sale, and Your 377 Payliners Pass Up 1 Qualifying Sale611 PaylinesYou Earn $13,230
Week 13You Make 1 Sale, and Your 611 Payliners Pass Up 1 Qualifying Sale990 PaylinesYou Earn $21,420
Week 14You Make 1 Sale, and Your 990 Payliners Pass Up 1 Qualifying Sale1603 PaylinesYou Earn $34,685
Week 15You Make 1 Sale, and Your 1603 Payliners Pass Up 1 Qualifying Sale2595 PaylinesYou Earn $56,140
Week 16You Make 1 Sale, and Your 2595 Payliners Pass Up 1 Qualifying Sale4200 PaylinesYou Earn $90,860
Total Income Potential For Your First 16 Weeks At Package #2$237,265

*The income example above does not show your potential earnings at Package Level #1.

The Money Does Not Stop At Week 16!
You Keep Earning Week After Week After Week!

You Are Paid Infinity Deep For Life On Every Payline!
Check Out What Happens When We Add 3 More Weeks!
WeekSales Made By You and Your Team of PaylinersPaylinesEarnings
Week 17You Make 1 Sale, and Your 4200 Payliners Pass Up 1 Qualifying Sale6796 PaylinesYou Earn $147,035
Week 18You Make 1 Sale, and Your 6796 Payliners Pass Up 1 Qualifying Sale10998 PaylinesYou Earn $237,895
Week 19You Make 1 Sale, and Your 10998 Payliners Pass Up 1 Qualifying Sale17796 PaylinesYou Earn $384,965
Total Income Potential For Your First 19 Weeks At Package #2$1,007,160
What you have just seen is the undeniable earning power  at Package #2! The 2UP Pay Plan we use at Package Level #2 is considered by many Top Marketers including myself to be "The Mother of all Pay Plans" because of the Doubling Effect of your Paylines, and the huge incomes it can generate in a relatively short amount of time! What's even more amazing than this is the fact that you can get started at both Package Levels for just $57!

I would like to reiterate that there are no time restrictions, and no referral quotas to meet! You work at your own pace, but one thing is for sure, you will want to make your 2 Qualifying Sales at Package #2 as fast as you possibly can so you can start receiving those instant $15 & $35 commissions and begin your journey to 230K! Whether it takes you 16 weeks or 60 weeks to get there it does not matter!

What's so great  and our proprietary 1-2 UP Infinity Pay Plan is that we payout a full 100% on all Package Sales, and we pay instantly member-to-member! 
So there's no waiting to get paid, and the company never touches your money!

With a pay plan this powerful and this affordable, making one sale a week will not be hard even for a newbie! It's not that hard to find people online who have $57, and would like to make $230,000 in 16 short weeks! We have members making money that have never made a dime online before! But what you'll find is that the more money you make ; the easier it will be to make even more money, and before you know it you will be making several Personal Sales a week which means your Team of Payliners will grow even faster!
IMPORTANT NOTE! Your personal success does not require everyone on your Team to make 16 Sales! They only have to make 2 Qualify Sales because it's their "First 2 Sales" that are passed up to you as Qualifying Sales. Your Team of Payliners will be highly motivated to pass up their 2 Qualifying Sales to you as fast as possible so they can start their first Payline and begin their journey to 230K! 
Many movated Payliners are passing up their 2 Qualifying Sales in just a few days!

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